From Mind to Body, Inc's mission is to build each student's full sensory
repertoire through instilling a mind and body connection. We believe that
mental happiness and physical achievements are inseparable forces.  A
woman cannot achieve and sustain one without the other.  From Mind To
Body's unique combination provides a woman true empowerment and
confidence of her exceptional femininity.  Our vision is to create each class
as a powerful arena where any woman regardless of age, size, and type can
retreat to and embrace herself as a sensual person.  Classes provide women
the time to increase physical and mental improvements through exercises
and exotic/pole dance moves infused together.  Each From Mind to Body
instructor forms a community of empowered women as she leads her
students through the Exotic Dance For You and Pole Dancing For You

Owner and Creator Edith Aboul-hosn

Edith Aboul-hosn is the founder of From Mind To Body Dance Academy,
Exotic Divas program, Exotic Dance for you DVD, and Pole Dancing for you
DVD.  She has been dancing  for over 15 years, teaching, and
choreographing professional dance for 7 years. She is a dedicated mom and
wife with a dream to help every day women, like herself, find their sensuality
and passions through dance.

It is our hope that we will be able to reach more women with our message of
empowerment and renewed self.  We believe all women are beautiful,
sensual, exotic, sexy, loving, elegant, confident, etc…Yet some need help
finding their way back, and we are honored to hold their hand in their
journey of rediscovery.
Main Number 949-903-1867  l  ©2004-2009  l  Exotic Dance for you  l  From Mind To Body Inc. All Rights Reserved   l  E-Mail Us